Michiana cities, organizations cancelling or postponing July 4 fireworks

Several cities, towns and organizations have started announcing the cancellation or postponement of their July 4 celebrations and fireworks due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fireworks displays that are cancelled or postponed:

Akron, Indiana - The Akron Chamber of Commerce, Akron 4th of July Committee and with the support of the Akron Town Council, jointly announce that the Akron 4th of July Parade, Akron Fireworks, and associated events scheduled for July 4, 2020 have been postponed. This year’s parade will move to the Akron Summer’s End Festival slated for Saturday, September 26, 2020. The fireworks will not take place in 2020 but will be held with a possible bigger display at the 2021 Akron 4th of July festivities. [More info]

Baroda, Michigan - The Baroda Township Board voted to cancel the July 3 Fireworks display due to concerns for the health and safety of the participants and the first responders who organize the event. [More info]

Colon, Michigan - The Colon Village Council voted to cancel this year's Fourth of July events including the parade and fireworks. The Lakeside Flotilla parade and Ring of Fire will still happen.

Eau Claire, Michigan - The Eau Claire Cherry Festival and fireworks have been cancelled.

Goshen, Indiana - The Goshen Municipal Airport cancelled America’s Freedom Fest, the annual air show and fireworks celebration. [More info]

Knox, Indiana - The fireworks show and Family Fun Day for Sunday, July 5th has been cancelled due to COVID19.

LaPorte, Indiana - The La Porte Jaycees announced the arts and crafts fair on June 27 and the annual Fourth of July fireworks have been cancelled. The 4th of July Parade will be postponed and the new date will coincide with the Sunflower Fair in September. [More info]

LaPorte, Indiana - The Red Wine and Brew has been cancelled this year. It was originally scheduled for July 3.

Michigan City, Indiana - Michigan City has cancelled its annual summer parade and 4th of July fireworks because of the COVID-19 pandemic. [More info]

Mishawaka, Indiana - Mishawaka has cancelled its Independence Day celebration and the Fourth of July fireworks due to COVI-19. [More info]

Nappanee, Indiana - Nappanee has canceled its Fourth of July parade. The fireworks have been rescheduled for Friday, September 18 during the Apple Festival.

Niles, Michigan - The city of Niles has cancelled its Fourth of July fireworks display due to COVID-19. [More info]

North Liberty, Indiana - The North Liberty Town Council cancelled its annual 4th of July fireworks

South Haven, Michigan - South Haven has cancelled its July 3rd fireworks due to higher than normal lake levels, which would make it unsafe for pyrotechnics experts to stage the show, according to city officials.

Topeka, Indiana - The Topeka, Indiana Chamber of Commerce announced their annual 4th of July festivities have been cancelled.

Walkerton, Indiana - The Walkerton Town Council announced on June 2nd it cancelled their annual 4th of July fireworks

White Pigeon, Michigan - White Pigeon Days has been cancelled this year, including the fireworks.

Fireworks displays that are happening:

Constantine, Michigan - The Village of Constantine will have a fireworks display on the Fourth of July, but will not have the annual parade. [More info]

Dowagiac, Michigan - Young Professionals of Greater Dowagiac are hosting fireworks on July 3 from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. at Russom Park on Yaw Street.

Lake Wawasee, Indiana - Lake Wawasee fireworks are happening July 4 at 10:15 p.m. Watch from the shoreline or from a boat. 

Lakeville, Indiana - This year's fireworks at Newton Park is happening, but will look a little different this year. There will be no concert this year, but a limited number of spectators will be allowed into the parking lot for the 4th of July Fireworks.

Sister Lakes, Michigan - The Lion's Club is hosting fireworks at dusk on June 27

Sturgis, Michigan -- The City of Sturgis will have fireworks on Thursday, July 2nd at Kirsch Municipal Airport. Fireworks at dusk.

Syracuse Lake, Indiana - Fireworks are scheduled for July 3 at 10:15 p.m. [More info]

Winona Lake, Indiana - The village of Winona Lake will have a fireworks festival and outdoor concert and fireworks at dusk over Winona Lake on the 4th of July.

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