Lerner Theatre unveils holiday window displays for 2021 season

Photo courtesy: Premier Arts Photo courtesy: Premier Arts Photo courtesy: Premier Arts Photo courtesy: Premier Arts

ELKHART, Ind. – The Lerner Theatre has unveiled this year’s window installations to celebrate the holiday season.

This is the second year the Lerner has participated in the new tradition, which came about during the pandemic last year and was inspired by big-city window displays from stores like Marshall Field’s.

This year’s theme is children’s holiday books, bringing to life beloved characters like the Grinch, Madeline, and Charlie Brown.

Families are invited to view the window decorations in front of the theatre downtown.

While there, children can also deliver a letter to Santa via mailboxes positioned in various spots around downtown, including at the Lerner.

Letters dropped off at mailboxes by December 10 with an address will receive a response.

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