Homes for Heroes giving back to community members impacting Michiana

NOW: Homes for Heroes giving back to community members impacting Michiana

SOUTH BEND, Ind.-- Homes for Heroes is a national organization that has partnered up with Mckinnis Realty and local real estate vendors to reach an important giving milestone.

For the last 12 years the two groups have generated over 2 million dollars to help heroes locally.

With the help of Mckinnis Realty and local real estate vendors they have been able to help over 15,000 heroes in our area.

All the occupations listed are all considered heroes of our community: active duty and military veterans, first responders, teachers and health care workers too. 

In efforts to raise the bar, Mckinnis realty group also offers additional support by donating a portion of their commission to reward the applicants when they close on their new homes.

Jessica Marshall is now an employee at Mckinnis Realty that took advantage of the Homes for Heroes reward and received over $1400 in rewards after her family moved here on military orders from California during the holidays.

“It was really a great blessing to have, especially during Christmas time, which was actually when we actually closed the day after Christmas and we were able to just spread a little bit of extra cheer for the kids during a stressful time of moving during the holidays,” said Marshall.

To enroll in the Michiana Homes for Heroes Program, or to help support the cause, Visit

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