The beginning of allergy season across Michiana

NOW: The beginning of allergy season across Michiana

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- With highs recently sticking in the 60s, including today, the flora around Michiana is starting to wake up after a cold winter, which spells bad news for our residents with allergies.

Spring is commonly regarded as allergy season, but did you know some allergens can affect you year-round.

Spring has a lot to do with pollen allergies, specifically tree pollen, summer has its fair share of pollen related allergies as well, dipping more into the grass pollen pool.

Once we get later in the year we start to deal with weed allergies, specifically ragweed and as people stay inside in the winter, mold allergies become more common.

People may have noticed their allergies acting up a little bit this past weekend with a lot of dust and haze in the air and Michiana, it’s only going to be getting worse from here, with some more mild and windy days on our way.

Right now, pollen forecasts are leaning in a moderate direction over the next couple of days. Thursday is expected to be our worst day, relatively, getting into the medium-high area.

Again, the biggest culprits of this round of allergies will be trees, specifically the maple and juniper trees in our area.
