While Michiana has seen near-average precipitation this year, some areas are still classified as abnormally dry or experiencing moderate drought conditions. However, this isn’t a major concern, given those areas are expected to recover due to recent adequate rainfall. South Bend, for example, has accumulated approximately 4 inches of precipitation this month alone—nearly 2 inches more than the March average. This may prompt the question: If we’re above average for the month, why are some areas still considered dry?
The answer lies in how drought conditions are measured. Drought assessments are based on precipitation over several months, not just a single month’s worth of rainfall or snowfall. For example, from August 2024 to now, South Bend has received around 20 inches of precipitation, while the typical amount for this period is about 23 inches. While the difference is relatively small, it still leaves the region slightly drier than usual.
The good news is that the National Weather Service’s Spring 2025 Outlook indicates that conditions are expected to improve in the coming months. For areas that are abnormally or moderately dry, several inches of evenly distributed rain over a few weeks should help alleviate drought conditions. Fortunately, Michiana is expected to receive rain in the coming days, with even the Spring Outlook suggesting slightly above-average precipitation for the rest of the spring season.