Winston Corbett’s sentencing rescheduled

ELKHART COUNTY, Ind. -- An Elkhart County judge granted a motion to continue sentencing for Winston Corbett, who was convicted in the murder of Goshen College professor James Miller and the attempted murder of Linda Miller.

Corbett was scheduled to be sentenced on the charges Thursday morning, but the defense filed a motion on Wednesday to continue sentencing.

In the hearing Thursday, Corbett’s attorney, Peter Britton, said he has been unable to meet with his attorney since the trial ended due to COVID-19 protocols.

READ MORE: James Miller homicide investigation and Winston Corbett trial coverage

Britton said he has had technical difficulties with virtual meetings with several clients and Corbett’s pod was on lockdown until Wednesday.

Judge Christofeno said he was disappointed in Britton, and that the state and the Miller family are unhappy with the delay.

The judge then said he has been assured by the jail that Britton will be allowed to meet with his client and if there is an issue, to contact the court.

The motion to continue was granted and sentencing was set for December 28 at 1 p.m.

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