While popular with some, many still not familiar with VP nominee Tim Walz

CHICAGO -- There's been plenty of excitement around Kamala Harris this week — but ABC57's Tim Spears says he hasn't felt that same enthusiasm when talking to folks about vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz.

Likely, because many don't know who he is.

Minnesota's native son and pop icon Prince was heard playing during soundcheck as the governor of the late musician's home state prepared to headline tonight's DNC events.

Wednesday morning, campaign officials told us to expect Walz to introduce himself to the American public more than nail down specific policy issues.

Even when First Lady of Minnesota Gwen Walz made a surprise appearance at a caucus meeting this week, she told stories about her husband's career as a teacher and football coach rather than as a politician.

Former Indiana Senator Joe Donnelly is a personal friend of Tim Walz and strongly endorses his nomination.

"He's a Midwesterner just like us," Donnelly said. "He's about faith and family, and country, and about having our lives be in service to all of those things and so he lines up with us perfectly."

One part of his resume that's received criticism is what some see as inflating his military record.

While Walz spent 24 years with the Army National Guard, 50 Republican veterans in Congress signed a letter today claiming Walz lied about serving in combat.

The Harris-Walz campaign has not said whether he will address that tonight, but have said that Walz misspoke, meaning to say that he served during a time of war, and not in an active combat zone.

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