The community makes a splash as the 2025 Special Olympics Polar Plunge makes waves

NOW: The community makes a splash as the 2025 Special Olympics Polar Plunge makes waves

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- A beautiful day across Michiana, and the perfect day to be bold... and get cold for this year's Polar Plunge!

ABC57's Brian Conybeare was the emcee for the event that saw hundreds of jumpers, including morning anchor Jordan Hatfield and team members from our newsroom, all taking the dive to support Special Olympics.

The money raised, an important step towards making sure Special Olympics athletes get the chance to play in our community.

"It's really important. We have a lot of athletes in our community. It allows athletes to practice, train and compete in 20 plus Olympic type sports across the state of Indiana," stated The Director of Programs for Special Olympics Indiana Barb Michalos.

Even if you didn't take the plunge this afternoon but want to help support Special Olympics Indiana, fundraising will remain open for a couple more weeks.

"Our goal today is $60,000 so we are getting close. But fundraising remains open until March 15, online on the platform," stated Michalos.
