Rebuilding Together extends deadline for free home repairs

NOW: Rebuilding Together extends deadline for free home repairs

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- For over three decades, Rebuilding Together St. Joseph County has been servicing different areas across South Bend providing free home repairs every year for those in need.

This year, the deadline to apply for free repairs has been extended until Nov. 27 for homeowners to apply for the program.

The program has gathered over 30,000 volunteers over the years to repair over 1,000 homes and invested over $12 million to repair homes of those who need it the most.

Applicants that apply this year must live in Keller and Marquette Park neighborhoods. These two areas haven’t been serviced by their program in nearly 20 years.

Whether the repairs are small or major, Kristen Givens, Program Director of Rebuilding Together, says projects like these are a team effort.

“Our contractors come together to prepare the home of elderly, disabled individuals in our community and so on two Saturdays in April we go out and we do a lot of repairs,” said Givens “One Saturday is your electricians, your plumbers, your carpentry workers, they go out and they do kind of those major repairs for these individuals, and then on the last Saturday in April we have a volunteer effort with individuals from the community."

When unexpected damage strikes, home repairs can be overwhelming so Rebuilding Together aims to take the financial burden off residents, especially those on a fixed income that just can’t afford the costly repairs.

Last year they helped their client Rodney Gadson with various household tasks making his home more comfortable to live in, giving him hope because he says there are not many programs like it.

“It was a good experience. They were very timely, they organize pretty well, the different captains really show compassion and caring about the people they were serving,” said Gadson.

You must be within the federal, medical, and financial guidelines to qualify with priority for elderly, disabled, and veteran homeowners.

You can print out the application and view the eligibility requirements on their website and to submit, you can mail, email, or drop it off to their main office at 803 Lincolnway.
