UPDATE: The LaVille Lancers defeat the Bremen Lions in a close rivalry game

UPDATE: BREMEN, Ind. -- Friday night’s Under the Lights rivalry game between Bremen’s Lions and LaVille's Lancers was a close one. Ending with LaVille securing the win in the fourth quarter, 13-12 with just seconds on the clock.

After a series of fumbles from both teams in the first quarter, Bremen scored the first touchdown with a little under three minutes left on the clock.

LaVille responded with their first touchdown quick into the second quarter, but the Lancers missed the extra point, putting the score at 7-6 at halftime.

The score stayed 7-6 until the fourth quarter, when Bremen scored a touchdown by number 3 Luke Kincaid, making the score 12-7 with under four minutes left in the game.

Then, with just seconds left on the clock, the LaVille Lancers scored the winning touchdown, number two quarterback Collin Czarnecki throwing to number 5 Brayden Schwitz, giving the Lancers the win 13-12.

Head coach of LaVille High School, Jeff Kaiser, said both teams should walk away proud of Friday night's game.

“It just proved to be a rivalry game. Every time we play them, whether we’ve been more dominant, whether they’ve been more dominant, been a battle and a challenge." said Kaiser, "You know I'm proud of our guys, and coach Leeper is doing a great job with Bremen."

ORIGINAL STORY: BREMEN, Ind. -- ABC57 visits Don J. Bunge Field at Bremen High School this evening, just hours before Bremen's matchup against the LaVille Lancers this Friday night.

ABC57's Blake Parker had the chance to interview both teams' coaches. Interviewing Bremen Lions' head coach, Jordan Leeper, and LaVille Lancers' head coach, Jeff Kaiser, asking them about their pregame impressions before tonight's matchup.
