Michigan City enters partnership to explore grants that bolster economic development

MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. -- Michigan City announced, alongside the Economic Development Corporation Michigan City (EDCMC), they are partnering with Better City Grant Writers to explore grants that will bolster economic development and community-centered efforts and initiatives.

“By putting a knowledgeable team into place, we are moving forward our capacity-building efforts,” said Michigan City Mayor Angie Nelson Deuitch. “There are grant opportunities out there for the city, EDCMC, and our community organizations, but it is challenging to not only find them, but also go through the application process. Our over-arching goal is to find funding for public projects.”

Better City is an economic development advisory firm that works with communities to acquire tools and resources to propel projects and plans.

EDCMC officials say they see the partnership as an avenue to fund key agenda items that are outlined in the Vibrant Michigan City initiative.

Officials say this includes entrepreneurship, creative placemaking, youth activities, business corridor development, and childcare/early learning initiatives.

“Navigating the grant application process takes time and talents that are time-consuming,” said EDCMC Executive Director Clarence L. Hulse. “The Better City partnership allows us to continue working toward our top priorities while knowing we could have the funds to fulfill our goals.”

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