Lakeshore teacher accused of sexually assaulting student

NOW: Lakeshore teacher accused of sexually assaulting student

STEVENSVILLE, Mich. --- The Lakeshore School community is in shock after a 2nd grade teacher was accused of sexually assaulting a student.

The teacher has not been identified, neither the age of the alleged victim, but Lakeshore School Superintendent confirming the alleged suspect is a 66-year-old man who has been with the district for 26 years.

“A sixty-six-year-old man? Don’t you have something better to do?” asks Stevensville resident Todd Lausch.

Police say the assault was reported Thursday morning; the Lakeshore Public School Administration contacted the Lincoln Township Police when a student came to them with the allegations.

“You don’t hear about crime around here, never, and something like this is a big deal,” Lausch says.

The teacher voluntarily resigned from the district before the underaged victim came forward.

“I have grandkids in Lakeshore right now,” Lausch shares. “I don’t even know what to think, I’m flabbergasted.”

Lausch has three grandkids in Lakeshore Schools and at least two of them are elementary-aged. He expressed his concern even before knowing the teacher taught 2nd grade.

“I’m going to tell them to never be alone with a teacher, probably. What do you do?’ asks Lausch. “You never suspect anything like that.”

The Superintendent of Lakeshore Public Schools tells ABC57 that the misconduct does not involve the school or any school events, and since the teacher left mid-year, all parents with students affected by the teacher’s departure have been notified.

The allegations leave parents, as well as community members, in disbelief.

“I’m sure the parents of the other students are going to be up in arms over it,” Lausch predicts. “The kids are going to talk in school and this teacher, he retired for a reason. Sounds pretty guilty to me.”

The Lincoln Charter Township Police Department says the investigation remains active and ongoing. Once it’s completed it will be forwarded to the Berrien County Prosecutor’s Office for review.
