Indiana House Bill looks to make Monday after Super Bowl a state holiday

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- A new Indiana State House Bill will be introduced on Jan. 21 that looks to give Hoosiers the Monday following the National Football League's Super Bowl Sunday a day off work. 

The actual language in the bill makes no reference to the NFL or the Super Bowl, saying rather: "American Professional Football Day, the Monday following the day on which the championship game of the world's largest American professional football league is played."

If passed, the bill known as HB1517 would not impact this February's game but would take effect on July 1 of this year. 

Current list of holidays recognized by the State of Indiana: 

  • New Year's Day, January 1.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday, the third Monday in January.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Birthday, February 12.
  • George Washington's Birthday, the third Monday in February.
  • Good Friday, a movable feast day.
  • Memorial Day, the last Monday in May.
  • Independence Day, July 4.
  • Labor Day, the first Monday in September.
  • Columbus Day, the second Monday in October.
  • Election Day, the day of any general, municipal, or primary election.
  • Veterans Day, November 11.
  • Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November.
  • Christmas Day, December 25.

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