Elkhart city council considers water rate increase

ELKHART, Ind. -- The city of Elkhart is looking to raise water rates for residents.

It would be the first time in 15 years if they do decide to move forward with the cost increase.

This was originally passed in December of 2023, with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission approving the increase with a slight reduction.

Instead of having the second lowest water rates in the state of Indiana, the increase will bring it to around the average.

Elkhart City Councilman Aaron Mishler says it's needed to pay for essential maintenance and to comply with federal mandates.

"This is an effort to continue to maintain our strong public network of providing clen, fresh water for everyone here in Elkhart," explains Councilman Aaron Mishler.

To see how much your water rate will increase, visit the Rate Change page on the City of Elkhart's website.

This ordinance will have public comments and be voted on in the first Meeting of April. 

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