Concord Community High School Principal announces retirement

After 12 years as the Concord Community High School Principal, Dan Cunningham, officially announced his retirement effective at the end of this school year.

"He really struggle with the decision but we will support him," said Superintendent John Trout.

Cunningham's tenure hasn't been without controversy or attention, including this year's Christmas Spectacular Nativity Scene lawsuit, and a few other incidents involving teachers.

"Our conversation the past week at no time did we talk about current court cases or any of those related issues. By no means was it at any time any of the challenges that we may have faced this year come in to that. It was more just a personal decision," said Trout.

As to the timing of the announcement and a timetable to find his replacement Trout says they are already accepting applications to find a replacement.

"We're confident we can meet that June 6th deadline for board approval. We've already started receiving applications. II'm very happy with the applications we've received, so I 'm excited to start the process," said Trout.

ABC 57 tried reaching out to Mr. Cunningham for a statement and has yet to hear back from the outgoing principal.

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