CDC updates mask recommendation for fully vaccinated people

NOW: CDC updates mask recommendation for fully vaccinated people

SOUTH BEND, Ind. --- With Delta variant cases rising nationwide the CDC updated their guidance Tuesday recommending fully vaccinated people begin wearing masks indoors again. The announcement comes just two months after advising vaccinated folks they could ditch their masks.

“If the CDC, the trained professionals say I should you know wear a mask again I’ll wear my mask," said Everett Jenkins, a South Bend dad of 3 girls.

Wearing masks indoors again is something many vaccinated folks have gotten used to not doing within the past 2 months. The Delta variant is expected to cause another surge in cases so the CDC says those living in areas with high transmission rates should wear masks indoors again even if they’re fully vaccinated.

“I think we all can attest these masks helped us. The vaccine seem to be helping, but what can we do with those who say they want to do their own thing. Protect yourself," said South Bend Resident, Sisa Sibanda-Ncube.

Although the vaccine has been effective in keeping those fully vaccinated out of the ICU the CDC says new research shows they can still get and spread the Delta variant.

While they haven’t made any official announcements regarding booster shots just yet some parents say this new guidance is making them consider virtual options again this school year.

“I don’t wanna take a risk of the next child or the next family not agreeing with me and being very reluctant of the new rules. So if the school is giving me that resource to keep them home then I will," said Jenkins.

The CDC says less than 50 percent of Americans have been fully vaccinated. While there aren’t any federal requirements at this time for the vaccine it’s something many residents here in south bend feel is a personal choice.

“I would strongly urge people who can get vaccinated to get vaccinated so that we don’t even have to go down the road of having to federally requiring a mandate," said Colleen O' Donnell.

The new guidance also recommends all students and teachers wear masks indoors regardless of vaccination status.
