Another month of record breaking water levels in Lakes Michigan-Huron, Erie

NOW: Another month of record breaking water levels in Lakes Michigan-Huron, Erie

Lake Michigan water levels have been reaching all time records, and was no different for the month of March.

In February, not only were water levels high in Lake Michigan. Four of the five Great Lakes had record water levels for the month. This trend carried into March.

Lakes Michigan-Huron and Erie broke water level records for the month of March. While Ontario and Superior did not break all-time records for the month, their water levels were still above average.

Lake Michigan-Huron specifically was 581.43 feet in March. This is above the previous record for the month of 581.10 feet. This is a difference of almost four inches.

So far in April, water levels have also been above normal in each of the Great Lakes. Lake Michigan is currently about two inches above the April record.

Water levels rise in the spring and summer months. Because of this, the US Army Corps of Engineersforecast water levels will stay near or above record through September. The area shaded in red shows forecast levels in Lake Michigan for the summer. The black bar lines inside the shaded area are previous records, so it is possible Lake Michigan will top these records in coming months.
