ABC57 Road Trip: Unwind and embrace history at Fountain Park Chautauqua

ABC57 Road Trip: Unwind and embrace history at Fountain Park Chautauqua

REMINGTON, Ind., - ABC57 Road Trip hit the highway this week, heading two hours south this time to Remington Indiana, and a historic landmark, Fountain Park Chautauqua.

It’s a resilient community that’s been around for 128 years, surviving the Great Depression, wars and even COVID.

“My parents we came here as basically when I was born,” said Scott Robertson, Executive Board Park President.

“My great grandfather was one of the first board presidents for quite some time. So, we've been around a long time,” said Linda Emerson an Executive Park Board Member.

“There was my mother's family. Her family, us, the grandkids, probably five generations five or six,” added Beverly Hackley a longtime community member.

Beverly Hackley, 91, is one of hundreds of Fountain Park Chautauqua members in Remington who’ve been a part of this calm community since they were kids.

“It's a different atmosphere. I feel the peace, when I come out here in the woods and grow with trees. And a lot of things have stayed the same,” said Hackley.

The word Chautauqua originated from Native Americans with the nationwide movement first starting in New York nearly 150 years ago. Now, there are just a handful of communities left holding true to founding values.

“It’s a lot of, it's the entertainment, you know, it first started focused and based on religion, we still keep those traditional values, but we've expanded into many other things and arts and crafts and just all kinds of things.”

At Fountain Park, families from across America come together every year for two weeks, staying in the park’s 125-year-old summer hotel or in one of nearly 70 unique cottages.

“Some of these are original family owned and built cottages. And that makes it pretty special on its own,” said Robertson.

“This is the one that my grandparents built in 1905,” Hackley explained.

“There's an American flag on every cottage, symbolizing the painting to patriotism that we have,” added Emerson.

The community is not only centered around love for America, but comradery, with festivities rooted in family, faith, food and of course, fun.

“The children always liked animals show and the magic show and the puppet shows, of course, but they come in and listen to the music too,” Emerson.

Whether you come just for the day or an extended stay, you’ll not only be able to leave something behind, but also walk away with a little more peace of mind.

“It's just, it's just a place to get to know yourself more than anything else,” added Robertson.

Fountain Park holds true to original values, encouraging limiting the use of technology and alcohol.

The season goes through July 30th and day passes are available as well.

Click here for more information.
