ABC57 Road Trip: Take your pick at Overhiser Orchards

ABC57 Road Trip: Take your pick at Overhiser Orchards

SOUTH HAVEN, Mich. - The taste of crisp apples is among many of the fresh fruits South Haven’s Overhiser Orchards has been offering since 1863.

The business has been passed down for six generations and features both commercial and retail farms growing all kinds of fruits, from cherries to peaches to pears, and even pumpkins.

“So that's kind of our goal to have plentiful supplies of fruit,” said Owner Allen Overhiser. “After peaches, we start pears and plums, and then right from plums into apples. So now that's where we're at today.”

“We try to create a family atmosphere and invite everyone and try to create a great experience that they can go home with and be happy,” said Operator Alex Overhiser.

Alex is a part of the newest generation of Overhisers planning to keep the farms going.

He says they’ve got some special things to offer to guests this fall.

“We have our own apple cider,” Alex said. “That's one thing, and we make cider doughnuts on the weekends, so anyone can come out on a weekend and get a fresh doughnut and some cider...then we have a pumpkin patch where they can come and pick.”

The activities at the farm don’t just stop at the U-pick fruit experience.

“Right now, we're gearing up for the fall school tours,” General Manager Kim Overhiser said. “So the wagon rides have already been going out. And kids have been collecting their pumpkins and apples to take back to mom and dad. For kids of all ages, we've got the animal barn back over here...we sell feed cones, and they can go out and feed the animals and get acquainted with them. There's also rabbits and kittens inside the barn.”

So one of the great things about the farm is you can get up close and personal with some of the animals.

The orchard, home to furry friends, fresh fruit and fall festivities, makes for a great stop for folks close by or those a little further away too.

“She's been telling me about it,” said Lauren Hall, a visitor from Texas. “So that was a big stop for us when I came to visit all about the doughnuts.”

“The experience alone of getting to go on the little hayride kind of thing and getting to go pick out what you want,” said Christie Stewart, a visitor from the area.

Before the orchard closes for the season in early November, they’ll be holding a special event the weekend of October 21 called, “In Search of The Great Pumpkin,” featuring family-friendly activities all day long.

And those adorable kittens are even up for adoption!

Click here for more information.
