WEB EXTRA: Hassel murder investigation crime scene photos, reports, and confessions

Tyrone Hassel III and his father, Tyrone Hassel Jr

At 11:04 p.m. December 31, 2018, Kemia Hassel called 9-1-1 to report her husband, 23-year-old Tyrone Hassel III, had been shot at a home on Colfax in Benton Harbor. Click here to listen to the 9-1-1 call

11:10 p.m. The first officers arrive on-scene and find Kemia and her husband on the ground between the house and his pickup truck.

Tyrone Hassel III had been shot four times, but was still alive. He was transported to Lakeland Hospital where he was later pronounced deceased. He had been shot two times in the head, once in the neck and once in the shoulder.

Tyrone Hassel III had been shot four times, but was still alive. He was transported to Lakeland Hospital where he was later pronounced deceased. He had been shot two times in the head, once in the neck and once in the shoulder.

Kemia Hassel told police Tyrone left a party nearby to bring her food. When he stepped outside to return to the party, she heard gunshots.

Kemia Hassel told police Tyrone left a party nearby to bring her food. When he stepped outside to return to the party, she heard gunshots. (R/O means responding officer and is the person who made the report)

A K-9 track started from the victim's vehicle, behind two sheds, across Delaware, onto Gerald. (Photos taken the following day)

From the incident report: 

K9 Maxx located a track behind a shed just north of the back yard of 2086 Colfax. K9 Maxx then began heading northwest crossing Delaware Ave to the corner of Gerald St and then heading north on Gerald where the track was lost just south of Hunter Ave. R/O cleared the track where R/O went back to where the track was originally located and observed a fresh boot print in the dirt behind the shed. Evidence techs were notified and R/O cleared with nothing further.

(Photos taken the following day)

From the incident report: 

K9 Maxx located a track behind a shed just north of the back yard of 2086 Colfax. K9 Maxx then began heading northwest crossing Delaware Ave to the corner of Gerald St and then heading north on Gerald where the track was lost just south of Hunter Ave. R/O cleared the track where R/O went back to where the track was originally located and observed a fresh boot print in the dirt behind the shed. Evidence techs were notified and R/O cleared with nothing further.

(Photos taken the following day)

From the incident report: 

K9 Maxx located a track behind a shed just north of the back yard of 2086 Colfax. K9 Maxx then began heading northwest crossing Delaware Ave to the corner of Gerald St and then heading north on Gerald where the track was lost just south of Hunter Ave. R/O cleared the track where R/O went back to where the track was originally located and observed a fresh boot print in the dirt behind the shed. Evidence techs were notified and R/O cleared with nothing further.

(Photos taken the following day)

At the scene, officers located a bullet hole in the fence.  

Officers collected five spent shell casings and one bullet from the scene.

At the scene, officers located a bullet hole in the fence

Officers collected five spent shell casings and one bullet from the scene.

They also located a bullet hole in the garage door

Officers collected five spent shell casings and one bullet from the scene.

While canvassing the scene, officers located witnesses who reported seeing a dark vehicle parked in the driveway of a vacant home 

[Name redacted] told R/O that between 9:30 and 10:00 p.m. a dark colored or black sedan parked in the driveway at 2054 Gerald. He stated that it backed in and parked in the middle of the driveway towards the road. He stated that he believed the vehicle was newer due to it having LED front headlights, described it as a line of lights. [Name redacted] stated that the car pulled out of the driveway approximately ten minutes after sitting there and took off at a high rate of speed, going north on Gerald towards Hunter. He stated that a few minutes later, or about ten minutes later, it arrived back, parking in the same exact spot. He stated that shortly after it parked, an unknown male subject, approximately 5'9" with a medium build and possibly wearing dark colored clothing, got out of the vehicle from the driver's door and walked down Gerald towards Delaware, turning east onto Delaware. [Name redacted] stated that he believes he went to bed at around 10:45, and shortly after that there was what he described as six loud gunshots, and then he heard sirens and saw lights in the back of the house. He stated at that time he looked out and observed the vehicle not in the driveway anymore. [Name redacted] stated that the same vehicle was parked in the same spot at the 2054 Gerald address three or four nights ago also.

On January 2, an autopsy was performed on Tyrone Hassel III. He had been shot four times and one bullet was recovered.

On January 11 at 11 a.m., officers received a tip about the case.

Later that day, Kemia was asked to take a polygraph, which she failed. She then confessed.

Later that day, Kemia was asked to take a polygraph, which she failed. She then confessed.

Kemia Hassel confession

Jeremy Cuellar was arrested at his home in Hinesville Georgia on January 11.

On January 14, Georgia officers executed a search warrant on Jeremy Cuellar's vehicle

Inside Jeremy Cuellar's vehicle, officers found bullets, a magazine and several other items of evidence.

Inside Jeremy Cuellar's vehicle, officers found bullets, a magazine and several other items of evidence.

Inside Jeremy Cuellar's vehicle, officers found bullets, a magazine and several other items of evidence.

Inside Jeremy Cuellar's vehicle, officers found bullets, a magazine and several other items of evidence.

Inside Jeremy Cuellar's vehicle, officers found bullets, a magazine and several other items of evidence.

Inside Jeremy Cuellar's vehicle, officers found bullets, a magazine and several other items of evidence.

January 15, officers searched 710 Robin Hood Drive (Jeremy Cuellar's home). Inside the bedroom they located a Glock 23 Gen 4 .40 caliber pistol serial number YVG027 in the closet. It was fully loaded

January 15, officers searched 710 Robin Hood Drive (Jeremy Cuellar's home). Inside the bedroom they located a Glock 23 Gen 4 .40 caliber pistol serial number YVG027 in the closet. It was fully loaded

January 15, officers searched 710 Robin Hood Drive. These are other items located at the home.

On February 3, Jeremy Cuellar was booked into the Berrien County Jail.

On July 18, 2019, it took a jury a little over an hour before returning a guilty verdict in Kemia Hassel's trial. Kemia was found guilty of first degree murder and conspiracy.

Jeremy Cuellar pleaded guilty on July 29, 2019 to second degree murder. He requested an opportunity to speak with Tyrone Hassel Jr, the victim's father, to apologize. You can watch their conversation and hear Jeremy's confession by clicking here.

Jeremy Cuellar speaks with Tyrone Hassel Jr and confesses to the crime. You can watch their conversation and hear Jeremy's confession by clicking here.

On August 29, 2019, Kemia Hassel was sentenced to life without parole in the murder of her husband, Tyrone Hassel III.

Jeremy Cuellar was sentenced to 65 to 90 years in prison on September 23, 2019.

Tyrone Hassel III was 23 years old.

DOCUMENTS IN THE CASE (embedded below)

ABC57 gathered the police investigation reports, reports from the Army, along with DNA and phone tracking reports and the autopsy report on Tyrone Hassel III.

  • Pages 1- 66 - St. Joseph Township Police report
  • Pages 67 -134 Berrien County Sheriff's Department reports
  • Pages 135 -161 Report from the US Army Criminal Investigation Command reports
  • Pages 162 - 203 DNA results and phone tracking reports
  • Pages 204 - 207 Liberty County (GA) Sheriff's Office reports
  • Page 208 - Extraction from Kemia Hassel's iPhone
  • Pages 209 - 216 - Tyrone Hassel III autopsy report


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