Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas speaks at Notre Dame

NOW: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas speaks at Notre Dame

SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas talked not only about his journey but racial strife throughout our nation.

“I am a product of Georgia, the Georgia of the 1950s and 60s. The world where I grew up was quite different of the world today,” Justice Thomas said.

Currently, the longest-serving and second African-American Justice on the Supreme Court – spoke about the state of the country and the law’s role in shaping our future.

“The history of our nation is our shared struggle” … “There is a notable pessimism about the state of our country and cynicism about our founding,” he said.

Justice Thomas said reignited calls for racial and social justice in the United States could be addressed with a renewed faith in the declaration of independence.

“The Declaration of independence weathered every storm for 245 years, it birthed the great nation, it abolished the sin of slavery and it endeavored to address its effects,” Justice Thomas said.

He told the audience he will not give up hope for the nation to come together once again.

“We sense among us an American spirit we cannot quite capture. We sense amidst the noise and den telling us that truth does not exist. That there is something true, something transcended, something solid, something that pulls us together rather than divides us.”

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