South Bend student scores special invitation to NFL draft

NOW: South Bend student scores special invitation to NFL draft

SOUTH BEND, Ind. --A Riley High School student gets the opportunity of lifetime. 

Kayla Wright was selected by the Indianapolis Colts to represent the team on stage at the 2024 NFL Draft this year.

Kayla and her family will travel to Detroit in two weeks, on an all-expenses paid trip.

And she won’t just be sitting in the audience - she’ll be on stage, presenting the Colts’ first round draft pick with their jersey.

This is all in recognition of Kayla’s academic turnaround.

Teachers and coaches say Kayla used to have bad grades and low attendance in school her first two years. She changed all on that though. Kayla went from not being allowed to participate in sports, to now being an integral part of multiple sports teams at school, including the school’s first ever flag football team.

The invitation from the Colts was a total surprise to Kayla, revealed at a school assembly with her teammates, other athletes and family.

For Kayla and her teammates, this is more than a reward, this is a testament to hard work and determination. 
