South Bend zoning changes have negative impact on new business owner

NOW: South Bend zoning changes have negative impact on new business owner

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- A South Bend business owner has been told he can't open his doors due to zoning issues that stem from a discreet zoning change made by the city without his consent.

One zoning expert tells ABC57 what the city did in rezoning John Lawson's property should never have happened.

ABC57 News Investigative Reporter Kevin Warmhold has been looking into these alleged zoning changes and has compiled information that anyone hoping to open a business should know.

Full statement from City of South Bend spokesperson Allison Zeithammer:

The change in zoning at 2222 Michigan Street from GB General Business to NC Neighborhood Center was part of a City-wide update to the zoning map, reflecting the adoption of a new zoning ordinance in 2020. The owner of the property was issued a written notice of the proposed zoning change in 2019, prior to its adoption by the South Bend Common Council. The auto repair services could have continued indefinitely at this site as a “legal nonconforming use,” but that nonconforming status was lost when legal use of the lot for auto repair was discontinued for over a year.

The NC Neighborhood Center zoning district is intended to promote higher intensity, pedestrian friendly retail, office, and dwelling spaces that are well connected to and serve surrounding residential neighborhoods. Auto repair locations can often have negative external impacts on surrounding properties and on the walkable urban fabric of neighborhoods. As a result, auto repair services must file for a special exception to operate in the NC Neighborhood Center zoning district. The petition is first reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeals and ultimately approved or denied by South Bend City Council, and at this time the property owner is yet to pursue a special exception for 2222 Michigan Street.
