South Bend Cubs looking for 2025 National Anthem singers

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The South Bend Cubs Minor League Baseball organization is looking for interested individuals or groups to perform the “The Star-Spangled Banner” before home games at Four Winds Field for the 2025 season.

Audition tapes must be in video form recorded either by mobile device or something more professional. The club is accepting vocal acapella performances as well as instrumental performances, but requests that performances do not exceed two minutes in length. If it is a group performance all group members must be present and visible.

The deadline to submit National Anthem auditions is 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28

"Once submitted, auditions will go through a thorough judging process," the organization said.

"National Anthem performance opportunities are extremely limited and not guaranteed. Due to the high volume of submissions, the South Bend Cubs do not guarantee a response. Those who previously performed must still submit an application and prior performance does not guarantee a spot for 2025. All submissions will be carefully reviewed. Should your submission be accepted by the Cubs, you will be contacted via e-mail."

Those interested can go online to submit their performances.

For any questions or more information email [email protected].

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