South Bend board members approve funds to investigate corporation
SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The South Bend Community School Corporation (SBCSC) held a board meeting Thursday evening, where the trustees voted 5-2 in favor of hiring an independent expert to investigate any accusations of ethical, legal, or financial misconduct within SBCSC.
The board agreed to spend roughly $100,000 on an investigator to take a closer look at the actions of the board, the superintendent, and any other administrators for the past five years to determine if there have been any wrong-doings.
The meeting lasted over four hours as the members discussed the different options. Board member Mark Costello pushing for the investigation, explaining he believes it will improve trust and transparency with the public.
"Over the last two years we have lost 2000 kids. Most of it is because parents don’t trust us. They hear rumors. They hear this they hear that. And then they’re off to other schools. That needs to stop! We need to get those kids back… I want every penny…to go to the teachers so they can teach kids. That is the reason why, that is the reason why I want to get an investigation done,” said Costello.
While other members, like Kate Lee, worry what public relation implications there could be, no matter what the investigation finds.
“Will it build trust? Will the people who have a set narrative about South Bend schools believe it if they don’t find anything. I mean, I think that’s an important question to ask ourselves… or are we kind of just looking to prove somebody’s point,” said Kate Lee.
Right now, there is no timeline on the hiring or investigation process, but during the meeting the board did say once the investigation is complete, the report will be released to the public.