Plans proposed to restore Plymouth's Indiana Historic Fire House and City Hall

Laura Mann

PLYMOUTH, Ind. -- The city of Plymouth is partnering with the Marshall County Historical Society to assemble an advisory committee for the restoration and possible use of Plymouth's Historic Fire House and City Hall.

They plan to use the concept of "Rekindle" with the hopes of sparking a revitalization campaign for the building.

Construction on the building was completed in 1876 and was opened after a dedicatory Firearm's Ball. 

The building was first restored in the 1990s and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The Historic Fire House and City Hall Advisory Committee is seeking public comments for proposed uses for the building, as it is set to turn 150 next year.

A formal request for proposals is anticipated in the future, but all ideas are encouraged now.

Any ideas are asked to be sent to: [email protected] 

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