Night skiing at Madeline Bertrand Park

Although the snow wreaks havoc on the roads, it is a blessing for those who like to cross country ski at Madeline Bertrand Park.

People from as far away as Chicago go to the Niles park to ski the 3 mile course.

“You can have a great time, go out and enjoy nature. What's not to like?” said Chris Fowler.

Normally a nature park doesn't see a lot of business in the middle of winter.

“It sometimes gets a little boring or a little dull,” said Kate Long, park ranger.

Since the park opened up the trail to cross country skiing, they've seen an increased profit.

“It's great traffic for the parks, it raises money for renovations and such,” said Long.

So not only is a way to enjoy these snowy days…

“Oh It's a tremendous thing!” said Fowler.

It's a way you can also give back to such a treasured local resource.

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