Narcan resistant counterfeit pills hitting the streets in Michigan

NOW: Narcan resistant counterfeit pills hitting the streets in Michigan

BERRIEN COUNTY, Mich. -- The Southwest Enforcement Team, also known as S.W.E.T., is combating a new threat to the community. 

Counterfit pills are circulating in Michigan and the cutting agent that is being used is Narcan resistant, making the effects deadly. 

Karlie McManaman manages the seized drug unit at the M-S-P lab in Lansing. 

"It does mimic some of the effects of opioids, but it itself is not an opioid. So, you know, people are trying to use Narcan or Naloxone to try to reverse the opioid, to try to save that person's life, xylazine doesn't respond to Naloxone," said McManaman. 

S.W.E.T. is hoping that by getting the word out to the public, it will make people aware and reduce the number of dependencies on these illegal drugs. 

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