Multiple road closures in Michiana beginning June 1st

SOUTH BEND, Ind. – Several road closures will be happening in the Michiana area, starting on June 1st. The closures apply to multiple counties and could affect commutes to work.

In South Bend, Logan Street will be closed between Battell Street and Lawrence Street in order to repair a sewer.

Detours will run through Mishawaka Avenue and Jefferson Boulevard from Ironwood Drive.

Repairs are expected to be finished by June 5th, weather permitting.

McKinley Avenue will be closed from Greenlawn Avenue to Coquillard Drive to install a new sanitary sewer lateral.

Detours will follow Greenlawn Avenue and Ironwood Drive from Jefferson Boulevard.

If the weather allows, McKinley should be finished with repairs by June 5th.

In Marshall County, State Road 331 will be closed between High Road and Water Street to rebuild a railroad crossing.

It is expected for the repair to be finished by June 5th.

State Road 10 will be closed between State Roads 23 and 17 for patching and resurfacing.

Flaggers will be directing traffic through the area during daylight hours.

The projects are expected to be finished by the middle of August.

In LaPorte County, State Road 39 will be reduced to one lane between US 35 and US 20 for patching and resurfacing.

Flaggers will be directing traffic through the area.

US 35 will be reduced to two lanes between Kingsbury Avenue and US 6 for patching and resurfacing.

Both of these are expected to be finished by the beginning of September.

Bleck Road over I-94 will be closed for preventative maintenance and overlay on the bridge.

I-94 will not have any lane restrictions but drivers are asked to find an alternate route.

This project is expected to be finished by the end of June.

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