UPDATE: Edwardsburg trounces John Glenn in interstate football match up

UPDATE: WALKERTON, Ind. -- The Eddies and Falcons Friday night football game was a lopsided matchup.

The Edwardsburg's Head Coach Dan Purlee commented after the game that he is proud of the support that his team received from the fans and was pleased with the overall gameplan with tonight's matchup.

“Got a great fan base we got a great community that supports our school system and supports our athletics. We had to earn some yards later in the game but we just you know we’re going to run the ball. We just keep pounding and trying to get 3 yards of pop and that’s what we did.” said Dan Purlee, Edwardsburg Eddies Head Coach.

Final score of the game: Edwardsburg 48 to 8 John Glenn.

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ORIGINAL: WALKERTON, Ind. -- Week one of High School football begins tonight for Michigan teams and ABC57 is featuring a rare inter-state matchup as the Edwardsburg Eddies of Michigan travel to Walkerton to face the John Glenn Falcons for the first time in the schools' history.

ABC57's Kyle Ennis is at John Glenn High School tonight. He caught up with the Falcons Head Coach Ron Brown and gave a quick weather update before the game.
