Many show support for Mansour Eid as SBCSC interim superintendent

NOW: Many show support for Mansour Eid as SBCSC interim superintendent

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Members of the public made sure to show up to Wednesday's meeting and voice their opinions to the South Bend School Board about who they believe should temporarily replace Superintendent Todd Cummings.

An apparent majority of people who came to the podium during public comment showed their support for Mansour Eid to take over as interim superintendent.

"I'd like to express my support for Mr. Eid as the new superintendent," said one member of the public.

Former students, coworkers, and even players under who some call "Coach Eid" coming to the podium to voice their support for Eid to step into the role.

Some even brought posters, reading 'Mansour Eid for all students' and 'Mansour Eid for our community'.

The board acknowledged that Eid received the most recommendations.

The room erupted with applause after the board made their vote, many saying he's the right fit.

"I couldn't be happier," says Jesus Pedraza, a current administrator at South Bend Schools. "I think Mr. Eid is the right person to take us where we need to go. He's a person with integrity, he's honest and I think our community has shown that they back him as well. I'm super glad the board made that decision."

"We have a lot of challenges ahead, but we have opportunities now. Let's move forward, we have a new leader coming in," says Carlos Leyva, South Bend School Board member.

However, some, including NAACP representatives did bring up the concerns about allegations involving Eid from nearly 10 years ago, alluding that he had abusive behavior toward black students while he was principal at Clay High School.

Eid has since said those allegations are unfounded through investigations.

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