GRANGER, Ind.—This week’s Made in Michiana takes us to Sindelar Woodworking in Granger.
John Sindelar has been crafting quality, custom pieces of furniture for corporations, restaurants and even state capitol buildings for over 40 years.
“My dad was an excellent teacher when it comes to woodworking,” Sindelar said.
Sindelar, the owner and founder of Sindelar Fine Woodworking, says that his last name actually means “shingle maker.”
“Woodworking has been in the family forever,” Sindelar said.
Over 40 years ago, Sindelar founded the company and says that their focus on quality is what has helped them to survive economic ups and downs.
“I did have 44 people working at one time. And the last big downturn in the economy, we basically scaled back. And right now it’s just my son and myself. And we kick out a lot of work,” Sindelar said.
Sindelar and his son craft their custom creations with mostly locally-sourced lumber in their Granger shop.
Some of their clients include Whirlpool, Notre Dame, Cruzan Rum, Jack Daniels, and Corndance.
“We have done things around the world. We’ve done cabinetry for a diamond mine in Africa at one time,” Sindelar said.
Woodworking isn’t just a job for John; it’s a passion and a lifestyle. He even owns an extensive antique tool collection.
“We have the oldest metal tool ever found in North America by archeologists from the Etowa Indian Mountains. It dates to 1200,” Sindelar said.
Sindelar hopes to pass woodworking wisdom onto his children, just as his own father had passed on to him.
“They all want to come be a part of the package, which makes dad pretty proud,” Sindelar said.