Made in Michiana: Premium Rock LLC

Made in Michiana: Premium Rock LLC

MISHAWAKA, Ind.—ABC57 is taking you to Premium Rock LLC in St. Joseph County for February’s Made in Michiana.

To put new twist on material that’s been around for years, a man and his brother-in-law have created a patent-pending product that is changing the way people can build and design bathrooms, kitchens and more.

“We take a cultured marble that they’ve been doing for years and we have re-invented it basically,” said Chad Wood, Premium Rock co-owner.

Wood and brother-in-law Nic Hedges combined their experience in the granite and RV industries to create the new product.

“PremiumRock is a product that we have made. It is a patent-pending product. It developed from a company that I started with my dad, called Granite Creations,” Wood said.

Using the new technology, the two have managed to invent and engineer what looks and feels like old-fashioned stone.

“Quality is up there. I’d put it up there with tile, granite, durability-wise. Lightweight, easy install,” Wood said.

But unlike real granite, marble and tile, it takes much less time and manpower to install.

“The time factor is crazy. The price points are very, very competitive. I think we are probably the cheapest around. Nobody else can offer this by the way. This is the same product that they put basically in hotel showers, backsplashes. Like I said, we have just made a way to dress it up,” Wood said.

The new product is waterproof, customizable, and cost-effective.

“It’s a fraction of the cost of the real deal, like granite, marble, tile itself. It’s kind of like a designer’s dream. Your options are more open,” Wood said.

The two launched the business about a year and a half ago and they say they’ve already got a few major commercial deals in the works.

“We have a couple deals in the water right now. A couple hotel gigs with Marriott. We are looking at doing, I think it’s a 300 room in Aruba,” Wood said.

The pair says they’re just getting started and also work on residential projects, too.

“Oh this could be huge. There’s a lot of money in the hotel industry, apartments, the people building apartments, the builders around here, time and money, they could save all that. I see this being a really, really huge company within the next five to six years,” Wood said.
