Lawsuit alleges Starke County officials misused funds, tried to silence whistleblower

NOW: Lawsuit alleges Starke County officials misused funds, tried to silence whistleblower

STARKE COUNTY, Ind. -- On Wednesday, ABC57 got confirmation that Starke County, its board of commissioners, two sheriffs and more are all being sued by a former special investigator with the county prosecutor's office alleging wrongful termination, defamation, and retaliation.

"The defendants assisted each other politically, helping each other to gain office, contract with Starke County, misuse public funds for their personal benefit, and created their own special club for promoting their interests and retaliating against anyone who did not play ball with them," the federal lawsuit alleges.

Starting in 2022, plaintiff Julie Mayhew worked with the FBI and Indiana State Police to uncover allegations of evidence being stolen from the Starke County Jail evidence room, including cash, guns and drugs.

One deputy pleaded guilty while another is set to go to trial this year, and a former jail matron named Pamela McDonald got fired for misusing about $20,000 dollars of taxpayer money.

"During the SBOA forensic audit, it was discovered Pamela McDonald had been using funds from the Sheriff’s Commissary Fund for improper purposes including transferring funds from Commissary to her personal PayPal account and it was also discovered Pamela McDonald had used the Starke County Sheriff’s Department Amazon account to order non-work-related items which were shipped directly to her home address," the lawsuit alleges.

Mayhew claims the county leaders named in the suit conspired to try and silence her, defame her and eventually fired her to keep her quiet.

"Municipal policymakers are aware of, condone, and facilitate by their inaction the enforcement of the 'code of silence' within the sheriff's department through retaliation against investigators or employees who do report the misconduct of other officers," the lawsuit states. 

Read the full lawsuit below. 
