Winamac Primate Sanctuary draws in community for Easter egg hunt

NOW: Winamac Primate Sanctuary draws in community for Easter egg hunt

WINAMAC, Ind. -- Dozens of families Winamac community came out Saturday to take part in the Peaceable Primate Sanctuary’s annual Easter egg hunt.

Kids were set loose in the front end of the sanctuary to pick up Easter eggs and exchange them for bags of candy.

Then, the primates took part in an egg hunt of their own, with sanctuary staffers placing hard boiled eggs around the different enclosures for primates to feast on.

Sanctuary officials were placed all around the area in front of different enclosures to answer any questions kids or their families had about the primates.

The only cost for the event was a donation, in this case, a box of Cheerios to be added to the primate food mix.

More information about the sanctuary and their work can be found here.
