Ho ho ho cupcakes!

My weekend was very wet and dreary.  So, I decided to sweeten it up with some baking!  

For once, I decided to make something on my own!  Go me!  All right...enough tooting my own horn!

I just used a box of white cake mix and then attempted to put Charlie Brown Christmas trees on top!  They turned out okay...not the best ever, but still cool.  It is really just a pretzel covered in frosting and then dipped in sprinkles!  I added a few extra "needles" to the top of the cupcake to simulate fallen needles and then piped a ring of blue icing around the bottom of the tree to represent Linus' blanket.

The point of the tree in A Charlie Brown Christmas is that it is sad, but people still love it.  The same has been true so far for my cupcakes!  They do look a little sad (stupid 50° temperatures in December melted some of the frosting off the trees!) but they are still getting eaten!  Yay!

Then, I moved on to the reindeer.  How adorable are these cupcakes?  Here is the recipe for the reindeer...very easy, and would be great with kids!  I used big mint M&Ms (even more Christmassy!)  for the eyes, and then regular M&Ms for the nose (red for Rudolph and brown for the other reindeer!) with a dot of frosting on the back to act as glue!  The muzzle part is a mini vanilla wafer and then the antlers are pretzels!  The eyes are also dotted with black decorators gel.  The ears are made out of smashed tootsie rolls.  They have starting melting from the unseasonable temps, but still cute!  Guess I needed to stick them in the fridge!

Very easy, and fun!  I broke a TON of pretzels in the process, but it was still a blast!

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