Goshen Fire and Police conduct active shooter drill at Goshen High School

NOW: Goshen Fire and Police conduct active shooter drill at Goshen High School

GOSHEN, Ind. -- The Goshen Fire and Police Departments conducted a training drill at Goshen High School on Monday.

The exercises were implemented to provide necessary training for emergency responders and for high school staff to see firsthand what should happen in case of an emergency.

Officials worked with staff at Goshen Community Schools which allowed everyone to participate in more realistic scenarios.

“We all have responsibilities. We have to make sure that each department, other than the student, that we’re working together and that we’re communicating. It’s very unfortunate but it’s a reality now,” Keith Miller, Division Chief of Investigations said.

Signs were posted along the roadway to alert those passing by that what they saw during the exercise was just a drill.

No projectiles or plastic pellets were used in these drills.
