Former President Barack Obama ends night two of the Democratic National Convention

CHICAGO -- The crowd was fired up as former First Lady Michelle Obama introduced her husband, former President Barack Obama, as the Keynote speaker at night two of the Democratic National Convention. 

Right off the bat, Obama solidified his endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris, saying she will give a chance to the country that gave her a chance.

Former President Obama spoke about having President Joe Biden as his right-hand man and dedicating some time to thank him for his selflessness in office.

Turning to Trump in his speech, calling him a constant stream of gripes and grievances, criticizing his views on reproductive freedom and the boarder, as well as just his overall approach to his current campaign.

Making his plea for Harris, Obama stated that she's an advocate for the middle class, which is what we need right now in this economy, and will keep them safe while putting citizens before herself.

"We have a chance to elect someone who has spent her entire life trying to give people the same chances America gave her, someone who sees you and hears you and will get up every single day and fight for you. The next President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris," stated Obama.

Obama finished off his speech stating that he wishes for an America that we can work together on, reminiscent once again of his own campaign. 
