Fellowship Missions helps man re-enter society and reunite with his family for the holidays

WARSAW, Ind. -- Fellowship Missions stands as a community-based organization in Warsaw dedicated to helping those in need facing homelessness and addiction.

Neil Knudson is a participant of Fellowship Missions that reached out to them by dialing 411 upon re-entering society after being incarcerated for four years, with only $50 to his name and nowhere to call home.

“I just got out of prison, four years no place to go. Fellowship Missions went out of their way to come pick me up, give me a place to stay, give me clothes, feed me three times a day, paid for my transfer fee, paid for my bus ticket and lodging, and got me to the airport,” said Knudson.

They strive to transform lives through support for those who are seeking community and support to accomplish their goals.

The organization started 14 years ago as a response to a growing need for resources in the community and since 2010 they have grown into a vital support system for those struggling with homelessness, substance abuse, and mental health.

The non-profit offers emergency shelter, recovery services, and a path to self-sufficiency for people in the Warsaw community and beyond.

Fellowship Missions Executive Director Eric Lane ensures that no one in shoes similar to Neil will ever have to face their struggles alone.

“One in particular resident, Doug, helped get him to court and get the necessities that he needed right away and helping him get to Texas was an easy one for us to say, 'yeah we wanted to help him achieve those goals,'” said Lane.

With the help of the resources they offer, Fellowship Missions was able to help Knudson achieve his goals and even reconnect with his family just before the holidays.

Their winter shelter is now open and runs from November to March with over 50 beds with plans to expand to 120 beds for families and single parents.

The goal is to help residents rebuild and make a positive contribution to their community and they now host meetings at “The Gathering Place,” somewhere participants can call home.

There are 11 recovery groups where people who are seeking support for themselves, or loved ones struggling with addiction or mental health, can take advantage of the resources.

You can explore the variety of programs that Fellowship Missions has to offer on their website.
