Dowagiac Police Department investigate Saturday night shots fired incident
DOWAGIAC, Mich. -- The search has started for whoever opened fire in an apparent drive-by shooting in Dowagiac over the weekend, the gunfire was caught by a home security camera.
After speaking with Dowagiac’s Director of Safety, Steve Girinnewald says officers responded to calls of shots fired near Wayne and McComb Street around 9:03 p.m. Saturday night.
“The officers stopped and spoke with some of those individuals, and they say they heard some shots upon checking in the street and in that area, they did locate some shell casings, "said Girinnewald.
When officers arrived on scene officers discovered startled neighbors outside their homes.
“They were able to find a couple that gave them some video. There appeared to be a dark colored vehicle possibly a Ford Tarus through the area during that same time, nothing was seen specifically coming from the vehicle but there was a vehicle driving through that area about the time the shots went out,” said Grinnewald.
Officials say they are keeping their eyes open for anything that may match the description of a dark sedan, or the suspected vehicle shown in the footage.
Although they have footage, officials say no one has seen or reported any information to identify the suspect.
The neighbor told ABC57 this is a quiet friendly neighborhood considering it’s just a block away from Justus Gage Elementary School.
The Dowagiac Police Department is urging the community to share any surveillance footage they may have to help with the investigation.
At this time, there are no reports of injuries or property damage. This remains an active investigation and authorities are encouraging anyone with information to contact the Dowagiac Police Department at (269) 782-9743 with any information related to this incident.