Cassopolis High School introduces a strict no cell phone policy during school hours
CASSOPOLIS, Mich. -- Lawmakers in Michigan are considering a state-wide ban on cellphones in the classroom to try to keep students focused on tasks.
Michigan House Bill 4141 could limit cell-phone use in classrooms state-wide and Cassopolis Ross Beatty High School is already implementing a strict no cell phone policy this school year.
Cassopolis Ross Beatty High School implemented the no cell phone policy at the beginning of the academic school year giving students and parents a heads-up before the change.
The cell phone policy bans smartphones, electronic devices and headphones, the only thing that is allowed inside classrooms are the chromebook laptops.
Lachlan Traylor, a Cassopolis Ross Beatty High School student, says this policy is working for him.
“Honestly, I'm not, my phone isn’t going off in my pocket because I don’t have it on me so I’m really not distracted by it so I think it does affect my grades in a positive way.” said Traylor
During the “pass period” students have 5 minutes to check their phones.
Whether it’s social media, making a call or sending a text but once class is in session the Cassopolis Ross Beatty High School principal Lindsay Gorhan, says the rules and consequences are clear.
“The second offense, though, they turn it in the office, and then a parent has to come and get it at the end of the day. The third offense, they turn it in for five straight days they cannot use it during the day. And then the fourth offense is, you've lost the privilege to have a cell phone at school during the day. You need to turn it in in the morning, and you can get it at the end of the day. So I feel like, for the most part, that's worked.” said Gorhan
School officials say they are already seeing higher levels of focus along with fewer disruptions and behavior issues, so if House Bill 4141 passes they will be prepared when it becomes law.
This high school may not be the only one with a cell phone ban in Michigan, if House Bill 4141 is approved in Lansing schools state-wide will have to adopt a similar policy this fall.
To take a look at the strict “No Cell Phone policy” you can visit their official website to view the Cassopolis Public Schools Handbook.