Cash prizes for creative writing contest at Nappanee Public Library

NAPPANEE, Ind. –The Nappanee Public Library invites residents to enter their annual Creative Writing Contest, with four age groups, each with their own prompt inspired by Nappanee turning 150 years old.

Organizers say you can write anything for the contest including an essay, short story, or even a poem, as long as it follows the given prompt.

The contest is open to any resident or student, third grade and up, in the Wa-Nee School District.

Entries will be accepted April 1 through April 21. Only original materials will be accepted.

Entries can be submitted online here, dropped off at the library, or emailed to [email protected].

Organizers say entries will be judged anonymously based on set criteria for each category.

Judges include NPL staff and community volunteers.

Winners will be notified May 1, with first place winners receiving a cash prize and second place winners receiving a $20 gift card.

The winning entries may be displayed at the library and shared online.

Creative Writing Contest Categories:

Upper Elementary (grades 3 - 5) - up to 500 words - First prize is $150

Prompt: New Town - Write about a new town of your own creation.

Middle School (grades 6 - 8) - up to 750 words - First prize $200

Prompt: Home - Write about a favorite memory from home or what home means to you.

Highschool (grades 9 - 12) - up to 1,000 words - First prize $250

Prompt: Small Town - Write about living in a small town.

Adult (Age 18+) - up to 150 words - First prize $350

Prompt: Write about Nappanee in 150 words or less.


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