Buchanan rallying around siblings battling COVID

NOW: Buchanan rallying around siblings battling COVID

BUCHANAN, Mich. — A Buchanan mother is trying to care for not just one, but two of her children with serious cases of COVID. 

“Hannah ended up at Beacon, going from standard treatment to having to be put on a ventilator, that wasn’t doing the job and so Hannah needed to be airlifted,” said Brandon Flowers, Guidance Counselor at Buchanan High School.

For the past week, Buchanan High School Senior, Hannah, has been on life support.

A machine called Emco is essentially serving as her lungs in the hopes they can rest enough for her to recover from COVID. 

While Hannah’s mom has been caring for her up at Helen Devos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids, her son, Logan was hospitalized with COVID and wound up in the ICU.

Both unvaccinated, but Logan is now doing much better.

“He’s actually out as of Christmas Eve, which is a wonderful gift,” said Flowers. 

Monday, Buchanan High School students got together to make posters and cards to fill Hannah’s room with support. 

“I’ve known Hannah since we were kids, she lives a couple houses down from me and our moms are friends, so when I heard what happened I was really sad, I have a lot of memories with her,” said Claire Lietz, a Buchanan High School senior.  

As Hannah continues her battle and Logan recovers, the community says it’s important their mom doesn’t feel alone.

She even has a message she wants all students to keep in mind. 

“Mom wanted to make sure that students everywhere understand although it’s not common for young people to have serious complications, it’s possible, and here out of a school of only about 500 people there’s two at least,” said Flowers.

A Caring Bridge page has been set up to fundraise for Hannah and provide updates. 
