Attorneys for Delphi murder suspect address investigation

DELPHI, Ind. -- Attorneys for the accused killer in the Delphi Murder are speaking out, before a judge decides whether to issue a gag order on the trial.

The judge presiding over the Delphi murder trial has a hearing set for January 13 to decide on whether or not to change the venue of the trial, and on whether an order will be issued to prevent anyone involved from discussing the case.

Richard Allen was arrested in October for the murders of Abby Williams and Libby German, teenagers found dead along the Monon High Trail almost 6 years ago.

A three-page press release asserting Allen's innocence was released by Allen's attorneys, claiming police didn't contact Allen after the murders, but that he contacted investigators voluntarily about being at the Monon High Trail that day.

They said Allen told a conservation officer that he saw three young girls one the trail, but then Allen didn't hear from police for over 5 years.

The release questions how the case is being handled by local law enforcement and the legitimacy of evidence investigators claim points to Allen.

Allen's lawyers say they've began receiving tips ever since they took the case, saying: "Rick has nothing to hide. Although it is a burden of the prosecutor to prove Rick's guild beyond a reasonable doubt, the 3-defense team looks forward to conducting its own investigation concerning Rick's innocence."

Read the full release, HERE

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