4-Year-old with seizure disorder hopes to get service dog
Posted: May 8, 2012 10:17 PM EST | Updated: Nov 6, 2014 12:04 AM EST
PLYMOUTH, Ind. – A family of five is asking for the community’s help in raising money to help buy a service dog to help a four-year-old girl who has a rare seizure disorder.
Ally Krupp has had seizures since she was just eight months old, and at one point was having clusters of more than 75 seizures.
“There has been a few times that her lips turned blue. And one time when the apples of her cheeks turned blue, which was really scary for me,” said Becky Krupp, Ally’s mom.
Krupp said they’ve tried twelve types of medication, countless clinics, and even experimental methods, but Ally still has an average of nine seizure days a month.
“It was terrifying you know. There was lots of meltdowns,” said Krupp. “A lot of times she holds her breath and doesn’t breathe. So it gets kind of scary sometimes.”
The Krupp family is always prepared for Ally’s seizures, and even her three-year-old sister, Chloe, and six-year-old sister, Emma, know what to do.
“Sometimes I go in there and lay down with her and if she falls and asleep and has a seizure and then I call mommy,” said Emma Krupp.
Chloe also helps comfort her big sister by bringing her blankets when Ally has a seizure.
But the Krupp family says they’re running out of options, so they hope to buy a service dog that’s trained to help children under the age of eight with seizures.
The dogs bark when someone is having a seizure, and can even warn the family before it happens.
They also help children with balance, and would keep Ally calm in crowd settings.
“She’s just four. She’s at the end of the ropes for what the doctors can even do , and what their knowledge of this is. And this is just one of our last hopes,” said Krupp, as she was brought to tears.
Krupp found an organization out of Ohio, 4 Paws for Ability, and the dogs cost $22,000.
In order to stay off of the waiting list, the Krupp family needs to raise $13,000.
The family is organizing a golf outing at Tri-Way Golf Club in late July to help get to that total.
“I really hope that this is something that Ally can bring her life together with, and give her that friendship, comfort, and safety.”
Anyone interested in donating needs to get a form from Becky Krupp.
She can be reached at [email protected]
There will be a 50/50 raffle, food, and a ball drop at the event, scheduled for July 29th.