U.S. 31 railroad overpass construction continues

NOW: U.S. 31 railroad overpass construction continues

MARSHALL COUNTY, Ind. -- Construction has been going well on the U.S. 31 railroad overpass in Marshall County, according to the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT).

The $28.7 million project to improve safety and mobility near Plymouth broke ground on April 24 of this year and workers are expected to continue working for a few more weeks before breaking until the end of February.

"Our largest issue has actually been motorists driving through the work zone. We have had to deal with quite a few crashes, including several that have damaged our signs/barricades/CZ units. We also had one that damaged some of our construction supplies," said INDOT Northwest's Public Relations Director Cassey Bajek. "Traffic control is difficult when crashes occur since U.S. 31 is down to one lane in each direction through this area."

Bajek said INDOT has been working with the Marshall County Sheriff’s Office regarding these issues.

Officials are anticipating traffic will remain in its current configuration until the bridge is complete, which won’t be until later next year.

"Weather delays and all of the earth work that needs to be done, mainly waiting for it to settle once it’s been moved into place, have caused slight delays, but nothing major in the grand scheme of things," Bajek said.

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