Two men arrested for aggravated battery in Shipshewana

Clarence Dakota Lee Egner is facing a preliminary charge of visiting a common nuisance.

Gregory Edward Littlefield is facing a preliminary charge of aggravated battery

Travis J. Packer is facing preliminary charges of possession of methamphetamine and visiting a common nuisance

Martha Melissa Powell is facing preliminary charges of possession of methamphetamine, maintaining a common nuisance and possession of paraphernalia

Ricky Lee Stevens is facing a preliminary charge of aggravated battery

SHIPSHEWANA, Ind. -- LaGrange County Sheriff’s Office responded to an Aggravated Battery Complaint on Wednesday.

Officials were called to the 10500 W block of State Rd 120 to find that Adolphus Powell had allegedly been beaten with a broken shovel and an axe handle type weapon.

Powell was allegedly beaten by two males, Rickie Lee Stevens and Gregory Edward Littlefield.

According to Powell, the incident happened after an argument over stolen property.

Stevens had allegedly confronted Powell and began to beat him with the shovel handle.

Littlefield then apparently joined in, beating Powell with the axe handle.

Powell escaped the two men and ran down SR 120 where he was found by a driver.

He was then taken to the hospital for his injuries.

LaGrange County Sheriff’s Office put out a search warrant for the Stevens and Littlefield and found them in a Shipshewana home on Friday.

Officials said they found meth, drug paraphernalia and the weapons used in Powell’s alleged beating.

Stevens and Littlefield were both arrested for Aggravated Battery.

Three other people were also arrested at the home on other charges.

Clarence Dakota Lee Egner is facing a preliminary charge of visiting a common nuisance.

Travis J. Packer is facing preliminary charges of possession of methamphetamine and visiting a common nuisance.

Martha Melissa Powell is facing preliminary charges of possession of methamphetamine, maintaining a common nuisance and possession of paraphernalia

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