The Parent Coalition for Child Safety and Wellness joins to advocate for child safety in the community

NOW: The Parent Coalition for Child Safety and Wellness joins to advocate for child safety in the community

ELKHART, Ind. - Parents, school leaders and community members joined together to form the Parent Coalition for Child Safety and Wellness (PC)--an effort to advocate for the safety of children in the community. 

The Elkhart Community Schools Parent Coalition for Bully Prevention and Mental Health, as formerly known by, joined with The United Village Inc. of Elkhart to form PC to encompass their growth and serve a greater growing community. 

They realize there's strength in numbers and dedicate their efforts to use advocacy, education and empowerment to address bullying and child safety. 

To address these issues, the Parent Coalition wants to make sure school districts are documenting every bullying case. 

They passed House Bill 1483 in April detailing: 

  • Documenting acts of bullying and abusive behavior against the victim
  • Monitoring support for the victim
  • Monitoring an alleged perpetrator who's exhibiting bullying or abusive behaviors including written, verbal, physical, sexual, or cyber forms
  • Determine appropriate intervention plans that can be shared with other public schools, including if the alleged perpetrator gets transferred

Parent Coalition currently partners with Elkhart's Village Empowerment Center and hopes to partner with Source, a local youth mental health network.

If you're interested in getting involved, visit PC's Facebook page or attend their meeting Sunday, August 28 at the Village from 1:00-2:00 p.m. 
