Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett gives law lecture at the University of Notre Dame

NOW: Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett gives law lecture at the University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, Ind. --- The Former Notre Dame law professor and the newest appointed Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett was back on campus to give a lecture on Monday.

Coney Barrett visited Notre Dame to deliver the university’s law review “The Nature of Federal Equity Power,” lecture Monday afternoon, where more than a hundred of faculty and students showed up.

The former Notre Dame law student and professor returned as a supreme court justice 25 years after helping launch the federal courts issue of the Notre Dame Law review.

Coney Barrett who is heavily rooted in her catholic faith, spoke about law and equity at Monday’s lecture.

“I want to emphasize the equitable jurisdiction of the courts is not a power to do what is just. It’s a specific branch of the law so it’s not a general free-willing grant as you might fear that federal courts should just forth and adjudicate cases as they see fit,” said U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett Former Notre Dame Law Professor & Student

Justice Coney Barrett that has played a role in the justice system in the past along with the changes we see today.

“Judges I’m sorry to admit, but know my family would agree are not angels. And so in our Democratic republic judges do not function some of the judicial greats who appeared with Solomon on the walls of the Supreme Court,” said Coney Barrett

Justice Coney Barrett has been invited back anytime to give guest lectures but she did not say just when she plans on returning to South Bend.

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