Supply chain issues are now impacting essential winter equipment causing shortages as winter arrives

NOW: Supply chain issues are now impacting essential winter equipment causing shortages as winter arrives

ELKHART, Ind -- When it comes to snow blowers, store owners say it’s starts with manufacturers not having the parts, but then leads to shortages in your local stores.

"Well this year is like no other with all the shortages of equipment," said owner of Kryder's Mowers, Blowers, & Growers Carla Pontius.

Having the necessary items has been harder since the supply chain shortage began amid the pandemic but how many people are aware of shortages for essential winter equipment?

"Now with the first snow of the year we see that in some of our snow-blowers. There’s not going to be enough to go around," said Pontius.

Local stores say normally these issues usually only to happen with products manufactured overseas but due to the pandemic domestic companies are now having trouble keeping up with demand too.

"A lot of it is foreign trade, however ours is even one that is all American made, however there’s once in a while a part here or a part there that’s not manufactured," said Pontius.

When it comes to snow-blowers those parts can be identified as batteries and engines that are limited or no longer being sold in units.

Making it more difficult to find some popular items on the floor.

"When they can’t get some of the components parts then they can’t manufacture the unit at all," said Pontius.

That makes it difficult for store owners to not only have the most popular option available but also making it difficult to sell whatever they can get.

"So, a lot of our units are coming in with the bare minimum, without all the bells and whistles on them. Making it that we have large and small but the in-between stuff is what’s lacking," said Pontius.

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